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Q: What is worship?

A: Honour paid to a superior being. 

In Scripture the word worship is used to refer to the respect or honor given to idols, material things or to the True God. The word worship is not a holy word - many of us worship material things like possessions or positions - it only describes honor or respect given to a superior being.

Essentially, worship is giving. In the Christian context, we give honor and respect to Almighty God with a sense of awe and reverance. Worship is a consuming desire to give to God, to give of ourselves, our attitudes and our possessions.

Our Worship Teams leads the worship services and include the worship leader, supporting vocalists and instrumentalists. "Psalm 68:25"

"God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth." John 4:24   

Q: Why do we Worship?

A: Worship is a vital part of our Christian lives! 

Not only does God command it but it is His vehicle for moving among us and it energizes us for daily ministry. Without worship in our lives today we would find it hard to keep close to God at all times in our life. Worship helps us to keep our thoughts and feeling focused on Him alone, no one else. Dancing, Clapping your hands, waving your hands in the air, and flag wavers. Worship should be fun!!!!!  It should energize you enough that you feel and know that the spirit of God is there. 

Q: What is a worship leader ?

A:  A worship leader is;  First of all in the Bible it talks about us having a worship team in  "Psalm 68:25".

1. Someone who is chosen by the church members, and is anointed by the Holy Spirit or the Holy Ghost.

2. They lead out in the song service, and during the church service too. They chose the songs to sing during the service.

Q: What is a Worship Team?

A:  This is members of our body of believers who have agreed to share their time & talents in the area of music. These people put together a dynamic music program for our  worship service in the morning with the intent of praising God and to prepare our hearts to hear the message of the sermon.

We use contemporary Christian worship music and a variety of instruments accompanied by a group of vocalists to lead us in singing praises to God.
This worship time is a time when forget about ourselves and focus all our thoughts on our great Creator.

Q: What types of Worship are there?

- Music -   Dance - Drama - Sermons - Video Worship 


Q: What Instruments can we use in our Worship service?

A:  This is a very easy question to answer. A lot of people keep asking this question, and it's a good question to be asking. 

1.) Keyboards or Piano, Guitars, Violin, Bass Guitar, Drums ( they should be kept in the background just to keep the beat),Bongos, Saxophone (Alto, Tenor, Soprano, and even piccolo Soprano Sax).  For the Bible says "Let everything that has breath praise the LORD .  Praise the LORD! "

Any Instrument that works with your worship team you can use. The trick to leading out in your worship service is trying to get everyone involved, that's not always an easy thing to do.


   Bible passage lookup 1   Bible passage lookup 2   

The Bible 1    The Bible 2 - With footnotes    

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